Manners have gone so far out the window as to be orbiting the International Space Station.
That said, I adore the convenience of modern tech--wireless connections, long-life laptops/tablets, online shopping, and even select social media sites. I am a Mistress of Google-Fu. Twitter is my favorite distraction, and I'm waiting for Facebook to implode.
Then Tech Fails...
There is no more weighted a Frisbee than a personal computer that does not work as designed. I am, for the most part, a patient person...until tech fails. I go from Zen to keening banshee toot-sweet. Adware software bobs in my wake. Hardware fragments litter my trail of destruction. I have zero tolerance for lag time, auto-reboots, buggy updates, and security ware that fails to do its damn job.
To prevent my writer's life turning to shambles during such times, I back-up my files to cloud storage and thumb drives. Cloud-storage daily. Thumb-drives...ought to be weekly, but end up being quarterly (that'll eventually bite me in the ass, I'm sure). The redundancy may seem excessive, but when you're weeping over a lost WiP an extra two minutes a week of dragging & dropping doesn't seem like such an high investment.
Now, while I loves me my PC, I don't know squat about Macs. I've tried to learn. They all ended up as Frisbees. Oh, and anything gaming related? Utterly clueless...unless it's Mahjong. I totally space out while playing Mahjong.