Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Media Sin #2

As Jeffe so brilliantly pointed out on Sunday, social media is about interaction not broadcasting. This means we share a bit about ourselves and we react to information others share with us. In an ideal world a nice game of give and take.


Debbie Downer: Chronic Over-Sharer and Martyr for Misery 

Debbie's not having a bad day. She's having a horrible life and turning to social media for public sympathy. Her feeds are a 70/30 split of baiting misfortunes and actual interactions. She doesn't want therapy, advice, or help. She really doesn't want commiseration for fear of being out-miserabled. (Is too a word!) She craves the attention. Woe be to anyone venturing good news into their shared public space. Debbie is on her way to suck the joy out of everyone's day.

Debbie is so morose her mere presence causes rational people to flee, to unsubscribe, to block, to unfriend, and to delete with all haste.

Saints forfend should Debbie cross paths with Ranting Raylene who lives to agitate, instigate, and over-react.