Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jeffe On Tour

by Jeffe Kennedy

I travel a fair amount. I'm not one of these people who lives a really simple life so they can throw all their money at traveling around the world. (Though I always thought that sounded like a really fun way to do things.) But I do love to see new places. And old places I liked before.

By my mid-twenties, I was well on my way to visiting all 50 states, from my home in Colorado, to my father's home in North Carolina (that's not it, but it gives you the right feel),to college in St. Louis, Missouri, to graduate school in Wyoming, to my current home in New Mexico. My day job, which involves checking on drinking water standards for the federal government ensured that I visited the remaining states, including Alaska (alas, the camera was broken) and Hawaii.

The job also took me to several U.S. Territories, such as Puerto Rico, including Culebra, and also to St. Thomas and St. Croix. Those trips instilled a great love in me for the Caribbean, so I've since also visited the Dominican Republic and Virgin Gorda.

International travel is where I fall down. I've made the requisite trips to Mexico and Canada, including one of my favorite places, Vancouver Island.

Otherwise, I've been to Scotland. *Nostalgic sigh*

Right when David and I were getting to the point of having the money and life room to really travel internationally, we decided he should go back to school and start a second career.

So now we're making our list of places we'll go once the money is flowing again. Ireland and Australia top the list. And I have a sudden new desire to see The Netherlands. Where else is a must see?