Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Best Road Always Leads Home

By Kerry Schafer

"I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference." (Frost)

I'm not much for street corners. Street corners are complicated by buildings and traffic and people. These days I much prefer untraveled roads. It's fun to venture into the city for brief excursions, but I can't recall ever having a favorite street corner in any of the places where I've lived.
And I have lived in cities - I haven't always been a hermit. Past habitations include Edmonton, Kansas City, Toronto, and Chicago. Plenty of street corners to go around. None that linger in my heart with any warmth.
As for my own little town - I admit I am fond of it. I thought about taking a picture of the corner where my favorite cafe sits. Or maybe the street with the sculptures, the one where they put the huge Christmas tree every year in December.
But none of them can begin to compare with this corner:

When I reach this turn off, I am leaving the world behind me. Up the hill and around a bend there is a gigantic black dog who will run out to meet me with wagging tail and a smile. A couple of cats who will purr around my ankles and begin to make demands.
My books are here, my couch, my bed, my favorite chair.
People who love me, warts and all.
I'm grateful for all of the places that I've been, and for the memories and experiences I've gathered. I look forward to new adventures and discovering new places. But I honestly believe that in all the world, there is no better street corner than the one that leads home.