Coming Soon to a con Near You!
I love conventions. In a perfect world I would attend a lot more of them.
the thing about conventions is that they cost a lot. I mean,I could be a guest at one (have been in fact, on several occasions) and still spend a fortune on hotel food and buying tons of stuff I simply do not need for my book collection.
That said, I can recommend three in New England with ease.
They are:
The Northeaster Writers Conference (Necon):
Necon is the only convention I know of where business gets done, while absolutely nothing ever gets accomplished. Most people are too busy relaxing and having a good time to realize that anything at all is happening. Still, get business handled there every year.
AnthoCon: http://www.anthocon.comAnthology convention. Seriously be careful when looking for that online. Because ANTHROCON is not at all the same thing. And if you have never prepared yourself for "furries" you may rest assured its an eye-opener.
I've never been to AnthoCon. This is my first time. I will actually there next weekend as a guest of honor. I and delighted and have never heard anything but good. I have heard the positive stuff from enough sources to know it will be a worthwhile endeavor.
I'll let the folks at Readercon explain themselves because, again. I have never been. it is only short list to get there, however, because again, all of the feedback has been positive.
From the website:
About Readercon
Although Readercon is modeled on "science fiction conventions," there is no art show, no costumes, no gaming, and almost no media. Instead, Readercon features a near-total focus on the written word.
In many years the list of Readercon guests rivals or surpasses that of the Worldcon in quality. Readercon is the only small convention regularly attended by such giants of imaginative literature as Gene Wolfe, Samuel R. Delany, John Crowley, Barry N. Malzberg, Kit Reed, and Jonathan Lethem.
The program consists of two tracks each of panel discussions, author readings, and solo talks or discussion groups, plus kaffeeklatsches (intimate gatherings with an author) and autograph signings. The program also currently features the presentation of two major genre awards: The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award for a neglected author and the Shirley Jackson Awards for dark fantasy and psychological suspense.
There is a large Bookshop full of new, used, and rare and collectible books and magazines (and yet more great conversation; if a Readercon attendee is not at a program item, they're probably here).
There's more. We publish a Souvenir Book whose pages of content rival a Worldcon's in number, and a separate, comprehensive Program Guide. There is a hospitality suite well-stocked with munchies; and, yes, there are parties. And Readercon is proud to host a number of charitable efforts.