It was an intentional mess.
I have an online presence. I have a blogspot, a LiveJournal account and I have a website.I am on Facebook several times a day I'm on Twitter a little less often. I do Goodreads and I do a weekly post here, provided my brain reminds me. Which it did not last week, and for which I apologize.
Back in the day I did several different bulletin boards, but Facebook has mostly taken their place.
And when I'm asked, I am delighted to do online interviews.
All of them help, I think.
How much varies, but mostly I suspect it varies buy how much effort you're putting into it.
But now why I call it a clear and present danger. It eats time.
Seriously. I can spend all freaking day reading posts on Facebook.
Same problem as always: I have two jobs. Full time writer, full-time barista at Starbucks. I still love my medical benefits and a steady income for when my publishers forget to pay me for a few months.
I try to limit myself to 1 hour a day for all of that stuff. I don;t always succeed, but I try.
Does it have a purpose? Yes. If you're reading this right now, you are either aware of me as a writer or becoming aware of me as a writer. That is the purpose. Heck, some of you might even break down and read one of my books one day as a result of one of these posts.
I can dream, can't I?
It's October!
What's your favorite ghost story (Short story? Movie? Novel?) and why? Just curious, really.