Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Love Blood

I loves me some blood... Captain Blood to be precise. 1935.  Errol Flynn. Basil Rathbone. Good man done wrong. The decline and the redemption. Pirates. Buccaneers. Rakes. Swords. Battles on the High Seas.

Yep. I watch it every time it comes on the telly. Really, I watch anything with Errol Flynn or Basil Rathbone. The movies they did together? I watched those more than Saturday Morning Cartoons. Okay, okay, okay.  I would have had I been a child in the days of DVDs, On Demand, or Streaming. 

That reminds me, I ought to go back re-read Sabatini's novels Captain Blood and Scaramouche.

~wanders off in search of the worn tattered copies~


  1. I love Errol Flynn. Even named the unicorn in the Persephone Alcmedi series Errol. :) Ahhh. I love him in Captain Blood. (Even though those are the /cleanest pirates ever, and when they are burning up in the hold of the ship none take their shirts off--testament to the silver screen not showing naked man chest or expecting audiences to find dirty pirates realistic with their sensitive eyeballs...) And in Robin Hood with Olivia de Haviland. **get copy of Captain Blood out, puts in DVD...*

    1. Have you tuned into Black Sails on Starz? Now those guys (and gals)... Well, you'll never think of Black Beard the same again. ~brow waggle~

  2. Hang the jib, I haven't yet, matey. There be no cable 'pon my humble rigging. But me wants to gander 'pon those. Have seen commercials at me place of toil, and at me hearties' abode. :) I give yer recommendation the value of a score of doubloons and will try to get KRAKEN on the seein of them Black Sails. YAR!

    1. Afix yer sights past the mizzen mast to the main page far ye even'n 'muzements: http://www.pirates-wanted.com

      (First episode is free and available on the site)

  3. I love Errol Flynn as Robin Hood - he was THE Robin Hood of all time for me. But Captain Blood is good, very good....

    1. And Basil as Guy. I so wanted to be Olivia de Havilland
