Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Writing Milestones

What do I do to celebrate achievements, and with whom?

Every Finished Chapter holds a certain sense of accomplishment that in and of itself feels pretty darn good to me. Like a hard day’s work, it’s good but not celebratory in more than the ‘woo-hoo’ equivalent to punching out at the end of the workday. Lately, I've been working on Seph's book 7, and I'm finding that I'm picking up the pace, pushing more writing time into my days than I have been for months. I'm happier. I'm always 'woo-hoo' at the end of the work day because that means I'm gonna play with my computer and write at least a writing is the act of merrymaking to me. I'd rather write than shop, cook, garden, crochet or collect stamps. takes somebody playing a Star Trek DVD to tempt me back to the world of the living where, I am soon reminded, there is much awesomeness to share. That never gets old to me and it always feels like a jubilee. Don't plan an intervention--I freely admit I have a Trek addiction. I am geek; hear me roar Klingon battle cries.

That said, every Finished Manuscript, being the sum of all those chapter-parts, is exponentially better. When the manuscript is finished (meaning it has been through the gauntlet of polishing activities that must occur once the final sentence is typed and has earned its place as an attachment on an email to an editor) then it is time to get your party on.

This is when I look around the office and take a deep contented breath and feel proud of myself…and proceed to decide that THIS DAY there is no way in Hell I’m cooking dinner. Nope. Someone else is going to prepare my meal. And THIS DAY someone else is going to wash the dishes I dirty up. Any of my loved ones who are handy are welcome to join me. Depending on the ages of my escort(s) and the appropriateness level, there is, in all likelihood, an adult beverage or two involved.

Release Day is another ‘don’t-even-think-that-I’m-going-to-be-near-the-stove’ day. Besides, with mass-market paperbacks traditionally loosed on the world on Tuesdays, it’s a great day to visit a favorite restaurant. Crowds are thinner.

But it isn’t all about the fancy-schmancy. When my second book HALLOWED CIRCLE was released, my son Logan and I made it a celebration by picking up some Subway.

I've posted Chapter 4 at my other blog:

In closing, let me say that I sincerely wish you all a wonderful holiday with your loved ones near, much deliciousness to consume, and laughter. Blessed Be.