Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Celebrate Miles? Psht. Celebrate Feet!

Darling readers, I am an unrepentant celebrator. Small successes. Big accomplishments. Cue Kool & The Gang. Break out the bubbly.

Be Fucking Proud.

Finish a chapter? Go all Tom Cruise on the couch.

Finish a difficult chapter? Alert wildlife via Porch Pronouncement and pound chest.

Finish a story arc? Acquire fun shoes.

Finish a draft?  Paint something. The book has to rest anyway.

Finish the book? Sell the book? Publish the book? Read first positive review? Read first shit review?

Celebrate it all. Every little moment.

Life is a series of little moments. Appreciate them. Enjoy them. Celebrate them.

Dear reader, are a you one to celebrate the small things? How small is small for you? How do you celebrate?