Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Get Real!

I'm posting this rather late because I was gone all weekend to Columbus for CONTEXT. While I was gone, I learned that my band has a new bassist and that we are going to play THIS WEEKEND. We are FINALLY an all-girl band!! Mind you, the last time we actually played out was nearly a year ago, so we require some rehearsing. Which is why this post is late. Between working all day and rehearsing literally ALL evening for days...I'm worn out!

But, the groceries have been acquired, the house is clean and...a couple of Reese's Cups later...I have rallied to write my post.

Our topic this week is writing about real people.

Have I written about a real person? 

My Mom.

I've made no secret of the fact that the dear, not-so-sweet Nana from my series is a conglomeration of my mother, my aunts, and my mothers friends rolled into one sassy, chain-smoking, bee-hive hairdo-ed old lady.

Additionally, I took aspects of my dad and gave them to Beauregard. 

Mostly, I'm been inspired by real life people. Many times I take that nugget of something that is interesting and likable and build a character around it. The end result is typically someone not even close to the basis person. 

I've also put that jerk who cut me off in traffic in harm's way on the page. Or summoned memories of some snotty chick from High School when I needed to portray a character as a real bitch. Then I let vampires eat her. All in all, it's cheap therapy.

If you happen to be in the Mansfield, Ohio area, come out to HAGFEST this weekend. $5.oo per person entry, goes to Special Olympics. You can camp Friday night and hear the bands Friday and Saturday. We (Hagathas Bluff) play around 8:30, but it may run early or late depending on how the day goes. HUNTER RD. LUCAS OHIO

And then there's NEXT WEEKEND. We are supposedly playing at the Party House Reunion too, but we do not have a time for that yet.