Friday, September 27, 2013

Turning the Spotlight Upon You

Today, gentle visitors, it is your turn to step beneath the spot light of inquiry that I might ask questions of you. Wait. Take this scarlet feather boa. Flip it around your shoulders. It imparts confidence and a certain air of elegance to the proceedings. Ah, yes. You look marvelous. That shade becomes you. May I offer you a drink? No? Forgive me. I wrongly assumed that everyone wanted to be plied with compliments and intoxicants before they'd part with the knowledge I seek.
<Clears throat>
Very well. What I want to know is this:
Series or stand alone books?
If I may be permitted a second question, may I ask why you prefer one to another? What about the other category - the one you did not prefer - do you dislike?
Oh dear. I apologize. That was three questions. I got so caught up in the role reversal. . .