My fellow Word Whores have all asked a lot of excellent questions of you, the Readers, over the past week. Thanks for all the answers!While trying to figure out what was left to ask, I decided to go in a slightly different direction and ask you about (drum roll please!) - AUDIOBOOKS!

I'll give a copy of my award winning Science Fiction Adventure novel WRECK OF THE NEBULA DREAM to one randomly selected commenter today, in honor of the topic. (AudioFile Magazine raved about the acting skills of my wonderful narrator, Michael Riffle, as he brought this story to life BTW.)
Do you listen to audiobooks?
How many would you estimate you've listened to in the past year?
Do you like to have the book or ebook
and the audiobook version?
When or where do you listen to audiobooks?
And that's it for me but I would very much appreciate any insights you'd like to provide because I'm really committed to having audiobooks available.