Saturday, March 3, 2012

Whee Whee Whee All the Way Home

By Kerry Schafer

If you live in the US, and if you have a TV, you are by now familiar with the Geico little piggy. People seem to be divided into two camps where he is concerned - we love him, or we want to reduce him to crispy bacon goodness immediately. I happen to love the little guy. He's got a lot of enthusiasm. I can relate, especially when he's engaged in this activity:

Full tilt, downhill, gaining momentum as he goes, with the pinwheels flying and the wind in his face. Wheeeeee!!! Indeed. This is how my life feels at the moment. Exhilarating, exciting, and just on the edge of a potential crash if the speed gets too much greater. It's been a wonderful and awesome opportunity to be your Saturday Whore, and I want to thank everybody for reading, commenting, and supporting my writing habit. However, in the interest of my own safety and that of others, (yep, saving my bacon) I have made the difficult decision to step away. 

Tomorrow Jeffe will introduce my replacement, and I can just tell you that she will be a fun and exciting addition to the blog. As a reminder of my Canadian Roots, I leave you with the following clip - which has no relevance to anything, other than the fact that it's from the movie Canadian Bacon.