Hands down, best movie ever, the pinnacle of movie making, most quotable movie ever, the best thing that Rob Reiner, Cary Ewles, Mandy Patinkin, Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, and Andre the Giant ever did, AND the movie that got me The Missus' digits:
I mean seriously, this is the greatest movie ever made. You have pirates, revenge, love, death, giants, swordplay, humor, shrieking eels, and some of the wittiest dialog ever misquoted in dozens of languages around the world.
If you haven't seen The Princess Bride then get up, get up right now, get your ass in the car, and go buy it. RIGHT NOW.
No I'm not playing. Move it.
Okay, now that you are back and you have watched the movie God won't have to kill any kittens tonight.