I'm not sure what the topic is this week, if it's colleagues or foo foo drinks, but guess what I'm running with?
Ok, don't any of y'all tell Captain Morgan this, but when I'm in the mood for a sweet, sippin' adult beverage, I leave my handsome pirate behind. (Sorry, cap'n.)
That's right, when I crave something decadent in the liquor department, I call up the reigning Queen of All Foo-Foo Drinks... KAHLUA.

Mix Kahlua, Bailey's, Hershey syrup and (maybe) a splash of milk or heavy whipping cream...and you get the yummy yummy MUDSLIDE. Add a scoop of Breyer's vanilla ice cream in the summer and hit the patio and swing while the sun sets and the crickets sing and the fireflies come out.
*cue the John Travolta/Olivia Newton John hit from Grease:
"Those suh-hummer ni-hites...."
Did I really just invoke JT & ONJ? Do I have to relinquish my official rock-n-roller membership card now?

Of course if you know anything about Kahlua, you know about the White Russian... Kahluah, vodka, and milk. I'm willing to bet that the Whipped Cream flavored vodka would make this even more kick ass.
Oooo and with a splash of Razz-ma-tazz on top...wow.
Now I'm hankering to try these mixes.

And since I am a fan of the mixture of Kahlua, peppermint schnapps and milk(tastes like a York Peppermint Patty, I swear), of course the PEPPERMINT MOCHA variety of Kahlua must be mentioned.
And since it is the season of snow, and since I received 3 bags of Kahlua flavored coffees for Yule, I would be remiss to not mention that a splash of Kahlua in my java--or my hot cocoa--is always a yummy addition.
There's so much you can to with Her Highness the Kahlua. What's your favorite way to indulge this royalty on your palate?