Wednesday, December 7, 2011


by Linda Robertson



Fire. Fire. Fire.

*more pondering*

“Ready the starboard cannons! FIRE!”


My first thought, after actual flames is, unsurprisingly, pirate.

And then, in the same vein, my thoughts leap to things elvish.

Galadhrim, specifically.

And then I leap to the FIREWATER which I used to think was so delicious and now kind of can't even smell it without bad things happening...

Then I just get geeky for a minute and think of a cool word like ignivomous –which means "vomiting fire."

But the cool pic for that led to this which I HAD to share:

Can you say Fax Torris?

**extra brownie point to anyone who gets the reference....**

And I will end this visual extravaganza with my new favorite band, VOLBEAT, and their "FIRESONG"

…but they do not know That we bring firesongs To burn their tongues