I had actually intended to write more about hearth-fires and the like, but this is one of my favorite pictures out there, both because it reminds me of one of my characters...and the whole violin fetish I have.
But the picture itself is rather indicative of the whole creation process. I know most of us have been in that place, where an idea or *need* to create something just threatens to consume us until we get it out. And then we type away and the pages just pop out like nothing.
But it seems like such a fine line really - I mean, looking at the picture there - she's playing so hard, her instrument is literally aflame.
Which is both fabulous and awful. On one hand, it's a lovely representation of what it feels like to be driven to create...but on the other hand? What happens when that violin is gone? (Hello, writer burn out?) I think many of us have been there too - sometimes it's probably better to pace yourself. Burning the midnight oil, burning the candle at both ends - so many metaphors warn us of the end result - but there's a difference between rushing to finish something and truly being inspired to do it.
Deadlines not withstanding. *ahem*