Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chocolate Covered Vampires

Once upon a time, there was a trend in the romance community to write holiday novels/novellas that incorporated recipes submitted by fans.

Dear readers, it was like a literary Pillsbury Bake-Off. 
~rubs belly~ 

On Skills for Cooking scale, I'm somewhere between "burns water" (I've killed many a pan by forgetting I had water boiling on the stove) and Cottage Pie Princess (yes, I totally cheat). The recipes submitted by fans were amazing and ran the gamut from hors d'oeuvres to the perfect roast. Some of the books I purchased solely because I'd heard fans raving about specific recipes.

The one book that sticks in my memory quite fondly is Christine Feehan's DARK CELEBRATION, in which she included recipes from a "Dark Desserts Recipe" contest she'd run. For those of you unfamiliar with Feehan's "Dark" aka Carpathian series, it started off as a vampire-meets-fated-One Love series.

Vampires, desserts, and an excuse to revisit some of Feehan's best-written couples in a reunion book. Noms all around.