Since I was a kid, I've been blessed with a near-encyclopedic memory, apparently so I could write multiple books set in the same universe, remember all the zip codes I've ever lived in and ace tests that were based on pure memorization. I sure haven't put it to many other uses!
There are a few limited things I may do at some point when writing a new book. When I wrote Wreck of the Nebula Dream, my science fiction adventure loosely based on the sinking of Titanic, I had to stop at a certain point and draw the darn ship for myself. This was necessary (and WILDLY non-artistic, I assure you), so I could be consistent what feature of the ship was on which Deck as my characters raced around in their efforts to survive.
On other occasions I've had to stop and write out the timeline of the story, as in what events are happening on which Day. My stories tend to be pretty compact as far as the realtime duration and sometimes I'm just putting too many events on the same day. Or, with Ghost of the Nile, the main character has been granted exactly 30 days to be back in Egypt to solve his own murder, so I had to be sure I was utilizing his allotment of days effectively with all the plot elements I had.
Sometimes I'll scribble notes to myself on plot ideas, kind of "talking out loud" on paper....
I’ve also developed a method to my madness to
help me at least consider
alternatives when I reach a plot point that seems too obvious to me. Jump off the roof? Pfui, there must be a more dramatic way to escape the ravaging alien hordes!
In the previous day job, we had a root cause analysis tool
called the “Five Whys”. Basically you ask yourself a series of questions about
some issue or problem, until you’ve drilled down to the real cause. Our example
in the classes we taught was the degradation of the stone in the Jefferson
Memorial. Why did the stone degrade? It was washed too often. Why was it washed
so often? Because there were so many spiderwebs. Why were there so many
spiders? Because there were so many flying insects at night? Why so many
insects? Because the Memorial is brightly lit at night. The solution? Turn on
the lights later, after the other monuments in the area, to let the insects be
attracted elsewhere. I’m not sure if that’s a real story or apocryphal, but it
illustrates the principle. There are various root cause diagramming tools and
techniques that go with this. The instructor who taught me always emphasized
you stopped asking Why? as soon as you’d reached a reasonable level of root
cause, rather than drill all the way down to the Big Bang beginning of the
I use a variation of that analysis to solve knotty little
plot problems. I take my desired end result and then diagram the possible ways to
achieve what I want to happen. In an upcoming SF romance there’s a need to
escape from a facility. I listed the possibilities starting with duh the roof,
and then forced myself to really sit and think about creative alternatives. For
each choice, I drilled down a bit more, asking myself “if this/then what?”
questions. I usually find that one leg of the diagram starts generating more
questions than the others, leading me to get excited about the plot
possibilities, and other decisions and events that might flow from the choice.
That’s where I end up going in the book.
Here's one of my adapted "What next and what next" charts from the current SFR WIP. You can tell the ideas were flowing along one of the legs and that's where the plot ultimately heads.
The other absolute key to all of this is that the paper is lavender! (Sorry the color doesn't come through in the photos but it's late and the camera is cheap...) I just think better when confronted with a blank piece of purple paper.