I could tell you I swore not to mess up my blog posts again, but I clearly did. From a writing stand point?

Jeffe disagreed. She spent a fair bit of time suggesting that I could, indeed, write erotica if I tried. Then she went and dared me.
And agreed to mentor. From a writing standpoint, you weirdos.
She did have to explain the psychology of certain BDSM elements before I could attempt to write them. And to be perfectly honest, I failed to write an erotica. ENEMY MINE is hot, but it isn't, strictly speaking, an erotica. The sexual journey is the point of an erotica. ENEMY MINE had another, external story arc going alongside the sexual arc. Most people figure that sex is fun enough, I just had to have someone trying to kill everyone. Keeping it real. That's me.
But. There is one thing you can be sure of. Me writing an inspirational? Not gonna happen. Wrong religion.
I thought the erotic story turned out great! ~waits for inspirational~