Thursday, June 4, 2015

Nearby Con Events

So, I've got three cons scheduled in the near future, the Texas Trifecta* of ApolloCon, ArmadilloCon and FenCon.
ApolloCon is running June 19th-21st in Houston.  I'll be posting my schedule for that as soon as I have it locked down.  I'm looking forward to it, and I hope that this drive back from Houston won't involve tornado warnings and sideways rain.
FenCon is Sept. 25th-27th.  Last year I went armed only with cards for Thorn and whatever charm and handsome I could muster, and I had a lovely time.  This year both Thorn and Murder will be out, so I'm looking forward to talking up them both, as well as the 2016 books.
Those two, however, are the bookends to the big one for me, my hometown con of ArmadilloCon, running July 24th-26th.  With ArmadilloCon is the Writers' Workshop, which I am running this year.   We have got a great line-up for teachers this year: Ken Liu, author of what’s quickly becoming the most talked about book this year, The Grace of Kings; L. Timmel Duchamp, editor of Aqueduct Press; Stina Leicht, author of Of Blood And HoneyBlue Skies from Pain and this year’s upcoming Cold Iron; James Morrow, author ofGalapagos Regained and many more novels; also Skyler White, Steven Brust, Kathy Catmull, Rebecca Schwartz, Martin Wagner, Martha Wells, Derek Johnson and myself, of course.
Still time to sign up!  Deadline is June 15th!  Get on it!   You won't regret it!**

*- No one calls it this. Maybe we should make it a thing.
**- Non-regret not guaranteed. Void where prohibited.

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