My Two Paragraph TED Talk
Keep Reading,
The Good Stuff is at the Bottom
by Linda Robertson
A few weeks ago, seeing this blog topic coming, I grew excited. I'd seen a few TED speeches and found then very uplifting and encouraging. My topic options rolled around inside my head. (I think it might have gotten stuck in my allergy-polluted sinuses. Truth, sorry.)
Then life happened. Major Important Stuff At Work (the kind that leaves you grateful to just shut
Excuses all. Valid, but excuses. I wanted to write for this topic. IMHO, I think I can be positive and encouraging. But I prioritized other things and suddenly, here it is. TED day.
Damn it. That's the lesson.
I sit here at the last minute with a couple of S'mores Oreos (s'moreos??) and a glass of milk, giving you this impromptu and rambling speech because I also have a sense of responsibility.
So here is my TED talk:
Priorities, my dear friends, always seek to pull you from that coveted and comfy seat where your mind has made you the god of a world that exists only on your page, where releasing the words is every bit as necessary as releasing your breath so that you may have another.
Responsibility, to the populace on your page, and to yourself, will always bring you back.