Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Infrequently (So As Never to Be) Asked Questions

I know this will come as a shocker to all of you, dear readers, but...

Questions aren't asked of me. 

Not frequently. Not infrequently. Not randomly or after great consideration.  It's part of the "unpublished author" territory.

For the sake of contribution, however, over on YouTube is a clip from two Australian radio hosts during the Perth Writers Festival in 2011 discussing what makes a great author-interview and those "tricky" interviews with better known authors.



  1. LOVED that interview with interviewers you posted!

    1. Thank you! I laughed when she said, "I'm a Jewish grandmother. I'm not going to be bullied by some little..."

  2. Replies
    1. "I like an author--when they come on--that there's a long half second while they think of an answer...and it's magic."

  3. I didn't have time to watch this video yesterday. Love it! I particularly love the bit about that magic moment. It's awesome for me, too, when someone asks me a *really* interesting question that makes me think about my books/work in a way I never have before. Regina Small is good at it, too.

    1. Yes! It's interesting to hear a professional interviewer's perspective on what makes and breaks a live interview. Ego--too much or too little--being the crux.
