Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Big Money Fantasy - We Make A MOVIE!

Before I found an effective medicine for my migraines, an average attack lasted 39 hours...which is relevant to today's post because I would lie in the dark room, kinda self-hypnotizing myself to get thru the nausea and the pain by thinking of every single thing I'd do if I won the lottery. First of course was always quit the day job. After that I'd start small - pay off the bills. Then I'd go bigger - pay off the house, buy new cars for myself and all family members, donate to charities.....

But eventually, if I hadn't managed to put myself to sleep, I'd get to THE Fantasy: making a big budget movie from one of my novels. I live in Southern California so I know the perils of a total newbie trying to make their own movie - there be sharks and hucksters in the waters, looking for unwary investors with too much money and not enough sense, right?!

But this is MY fantasy and therefore I'd have enough money to make sure it ALL went right. I'd start with WRECK OF THE NEBULA DREAM, because (a) it was loosely based on the sinking of the  Titanic, although set in the far future, in outer space and (b) I wrote it in classic disaster movie format. In fact, many of the reviews mention the fact that there's kind of a slow buildup and then the book kicks into high gear, nonstop action until the end. Yup, did that on purpose, folks. In a disaster movie the audience has to get a chance to meet the people who are going to be in dire peril, so there's some connection, some reason to care, right?

I used to cast the movie in my head too although nowadays I'd probably hire a top notch casting
director and let them propose the right actors. (Although if Charlie Hunnam is available....)

I have no desire to write the script - I know my limitations. And I understand that a movie has to be somewhat different from the source novel. I'd keep creative control though...

I don't need to be a character although I'd love to be in a crowd scene, maybe one of the people getting into the lifeboats (in a suitably fabulous, non-sheer nightgown, oh and wearing jewels)....and I might need to be in the casino scene...maybe a line or two....

I absolutely want to watch some of the filming, see the magic happening, "meet" my characters as they come to life...

OK, that's the ultimate "big money" fantasy for me, although I'd be perfectly happy to have Hollywood come knocking at my door of their own accord, a whole lot sooner.....