teams as writers...
I've written since I was seven, so the most important resource to me is what I call my Muse - the creativity that somehow gets unleashed when I put pen to paper, let dreams soar or touch the laptop. Or cruise the freeway at an outrageous speed, thinking through plot twists, Beach Boys blasting. (Hmmm, I guess I should give credit to all the musicians who've provided inspiration to me through the years...) But "Fun Fun Fun" is my particular theme song since I was in high school and I do expect that to be played loudly at my eventual, far in the future memorial service. Just sayin.
My brother has always been, and continues to be, a wonderful supporter. My late husband, who I'd known since the 10th grade, was instrumental in encouraging me to try to become an actual published writer, not just telling the stories for myself and my closest circle. My best friend Dan, who listens to endless tales of writing and publishing and offers sage advice over lunch...
My daughters are the ones who really pushed me to accomplish the dream...they're both excellent editors - critical and professional, know how to tell me where the holes are and the repetitive scenes and the less than sparkling dialog...additionally, my younger daughter was a published author long before I was and helped me figure out the ins and outs of queries, blurbs, "show not tell"....
I couldn't do the self publishing without Marie Force's Formatting Fairies and the wonderful Julie Cupp, who walked me through so many technical things and continues to be my go-to person, along with her entire team.
For my covers, I feel so fortunate to have Frauke Spanuth of Croco Designs do the ancient Egyptian paranormals - she captures the myth and mystery and feel of the stories perfectly. Fiona Jayde does my science fiction romance covers and I love the energy and drama she brings to those.
(Yes, you in the back with your hand raised? No, this isn't a rambling Oscar acceptance speech, I promise.)
Joyce Lamb over at USA Today Happily Ever After, my friend and go-to person for so many fellow Word Whore Jeffe Kennedy, who is my mentor and sage and wonderful friend...
Actor/Narrator Michael Riffle, who brings my characters to amazing life in the two audiobooks he's produced for me so far...and Actress Mary Fegreus who collaborated with us on the most recent audiobook, portraying the heroine Andi...
Theresa McClinton of MakingItReel Productions, who created several amazing video book trailers for my ancient Egyptian novels and Escape From Zulaire....we're hard at work on the next one for my latest SFR.
Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs for bookmarks and business cards and logos...and never flinching when I say I need an ad designed, oh like today, to submit somewhere tomorrow!
And I couldn't navigate the waters of self publishing without all the wonderful authors on the various Loops, who give friendship, advice and support so generously - Here Be Magic, the Self Publish Loop that Marie Force established, the Science Fiction Romance Brigade, my local RWA chapter Los Angeles Romance Authors, the Fantasy Futuristic & Paranormal Special Interest RWA chapter, the Weekend Writing Warriors, my fellow Word Whores of course...
Readers! Bloggers! Reviewers! The audience I hope to please with my stories.
I'm so grateful for the "team" or "resources" that I have to support me (and my Muse LOL) as a writer. Most of all I'm hopeful the end result will provide some hours of enjoyment for the Readers and transport them to ancient Egypt or another world somewhere in the galaxy. Then my work is done and I can move on to telling the next story!