I'm late!
I apologize.
I've had a rather busy few days, you see. I've been at Dragon*Con, which is, frankly, a wondrous, amazing, colorful and chaotic convention of epic scale. How epic? Around 65,000 people rammed into four hotels and a convention center epic.
During the last five days I have been on multiple panels, done signings in the dealers' room (One of four, or so, actually), run from hotel to hotel for the panels I was on and generally had a blast.
I also networked, worked out details for several projects, was invited into a few more and, of course, chatted merrily away with several other people including the lovely Linda Robertson of this very board and my predecessor on this board, James R. Tuck.
In short I had a great time and exhausted myself.
On several panels for the Writers' Track I was asked questions and given the complimented for my ability to get to the point and make a few people smile. At the signing I was amused to discover that most of the books the dealer had ordered had, in fact, already been purchased before the signing. I still managed to sell a few more. It was fin and incredibly noisy.
How do I measure my success?
I don't.
Until I look at the weekend I just had and think about the time, long ago, when I would have KILLED to have the weekend I just had.
Take measure of your success from time to time, but as far as I'm concerned use those measurements solely as a guidepost.
I've no intention of quitting while I'm ahead.
Keep Smiling,
James A. Moore
Monday, September 1, 2014