Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Contributor to the Blog!

Please join us in extending a warm bordello welcome to our newest Word-Whore, Marshall Ryan Maresca!

~pours the wine~      ~tosses flower petals~

Marshall takes over Thursdays, bringing his experiences as a playwright and a sf/f author to our mix.  His latest works include the sci-fi short "Jump the Black"  in Rayguns Over Texas Anthology. His fantasy novel The Thorn of Dentonhill is available for pre-order now with a release of February 2015.

A member of  team Plotters & Outliners, he's currently running a tutorial on worldbuilding over on his personal blog: http://blog.mrmaresca.com.  Trekkies, take a closer look and you'll find an Easter egg or two.

Little known fact: He's a foodie who, along with his wife, mixes Spanish cuisine with Spanish language instruction.

You can follow him on Twitter @marshallmaresca and on Facebook at @Marshall.Maresca

Welcome, Marshall!