As I've been reporting, I haven't gone to that many conventions or conferences, other than NASA-related and they don't have trolls (as far as my experience can attest!). In my two romance writer-related experiences so far, I haven't encountered any trolls either but having read many pieces of advice online and in my fellow Whores' posts, I feel prepared. I think that's half the battle, perhaps, realizing right away that someone is infringing on your space or your rights and being ready to respond immediately. I can't tell you how many times I've come up with the right zinger about four hours too late to zap someone who offended or upset me.
Moving along to Tips (I love a framework!) - Based on my own experiences, I REALLY need to stay in the same hotel as the conference if at all possible. It's so wonderful to go upstairs to your own room if you get tired, need to drop off swag or books or stuff, change for an evening event...the first RWA I attended was in Anaheim so I thought, no big deal, I'll drive back and forth and save on the cost of a hotel. I've been living in California since 1972, what part of sigalerts and traffic jams on the freeways did I not understand??? Each day I arrived at the conference already frazzled. I wasn't able to participate in any breakfasts, I was so tired and had the long drive ahead, I left the conference early each day, thus missing more fun in the evenings...just no. Don't do that!
Next tip - tweet! I love twitter and so I made sure to have tweetbot on my iPhone for RT2014 so I could tweet fun stuff as it happened, meet up with people more easily, keep up with the cool things other authors were sharing.
Costumes ARE ok. Not everyone will be in costume (can only speak to romance writer conferences, maybe someday I'll get to a different kind of con where it's all cosplay all the time) but if you enjoy dressing up, go for it. I'm busy looking for the pieces for a killer steampunk outfit for the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter's "Gathering" at the upcoming RWA conference. (Have I mentioned that I love to shop?)
You will miss your cats. :-( Ok, I missed my older daughter and my grandson too (younger daughter and fellow author was with me at RT). Hmmm, does that make me sound like too much of a cat lady???
There will be lines, you won't be able to do everything you wanted and inevitably you'll miss meeting someone you hoped to meet but it will be FUN.
Tactics: I have one that worked so well for me I'm going to repeat it at RWA next month. My personal statement thing is long, blingy earrings. I'm renowned for them at the day job and everywhere else. I've posted about my earring collections various times. I wore a pair of big bold vintage, Lunch at the Ritz New Orleans-themed earrings, which were the best conversation starters ever in the elevator and waiting on lines. Wait until you see the ones I've got for Texas!