I'm also being interviewed at Steamy Guys today and am offering up my *amazing* sugar cookie recipe. You totally want it.
Our topic this week is one that's not easy for me - our Top 5 Books Read in 2013.
I kind of hate being forced to rank stuff, especially books. If I love a book, I love it. I don't like to elevate one above another. However, my task is a bit easier this year because I kept a list of the books I read. My goal was to read at least a book a week, which might sound pretty pitiful, but it's a real effort to me - an important one - to keep reading a part of my life. Reading time is often easily crowded out, alas.
I kept two lists. A public one on Goodreads and a private one. Goodreads shows me as having read 39 books in 2013, but those are only books I ranked as three stars or higher, and does not include the witty and generous Megan Mulry's A Royal Pain, which I'm still reading, but will almost certainly be a five-star winner.
My private list has 70 books - yay, I surpassed my goal already! - but it includes books I did not like or did not finish (DNF).
Of the public list, I gave 19 of those five stars. (Two, A Rose in Winter and Dreamsnake, were re-reads, so they were already ones I knew I loved.) In no particular order that *I* can discern (pasted this from Goodreads - oh! I think they're in reverse order of when I read them!), they are:
I refuse to narrow them down from there - loved 'em all!