Happy New Year's Eve! Cheers to fountains of bubbly and choruses of noise-makers!
My Writerly Resolutions for 2014? Well, I'll take one from Jeffe and one from James then ...
- Read More & More Broadly -- I resolve to read at least one entire book a week. Entire. No matter the number of books I chuck by page 50, I will find and finish at least one book a week. The genres of the books I read will be more diverse. I will read books newly published and long since forgotten.
- Take Control of My Career -- Since I believe in the rich opportunities afforded a Hybrid Author, I will self-publish at least two novels and shop two others to traditional publishers. I will step up to the plate for marketing and sales.
- Finish the Damn Books -- While 2014 promises to be a year of editing (see #2 above) I will finish, publish-ready finish, two novels. This means I will better manage my time and my distractions. I will accept there is no such thing as the Perfect Story and cease obsessive tweaking.
So, there you have it, dear readers. Once I sober up from a highly carbonated evening, I shall have to put my ass in gear and do something new. What about you, dear reader? What is something new you resolve to do in 2014?