First Order of Bloggey Biz:
Post THREE WORDS in the comments section. THREE. Make them as random as you like. Next week is flash-fiction ad-lib week. As in you give us THREE WORDS and we have to write a very, very short story using those three words. Jeffe will gather all the words and, via the magic of a randomizer, pick the three we're going to use.
Obscure, tawdry, or tame, let us have 'em.
Second Order of Bloggey Biz:
Worst Place I've Ever Written... uhm... any place that has people? Especially little people, as in under the age of Leave Me The Fuck Alone. I can't write in an environment of distractions. Chattering? GTFO. TV on? GTFO. Slamming around the kitchen? GTFO. Honking the horn? GTFO. Parade of hot men? Wait. Wait. We'll just call it "research."
Oh, my dear darling readers, you know I've a thing for solitude. What you may not know is how well I can write flash-fiction based on random words.