kicked the porch with the well scuffed toe of his boot. “Aww, don’t look at me
like that, Sary. I swear, this map is the real thing.”

Taking her hand and spinning her around till her head was in a whirl, Sam laughed. “That’s the best part, the reason
why I’m sure it’s genuine. I was prospecting in that old mine up by the high
pasture and there was a cave-in recently. Maybe from that earthquake last week.
And behind the collapsed wall, I found the skeletons of four of those old time
Spanish conquistadores. One of them was clutching this map.”
Maybe our luck has turned, maybe he is onto
something. Trying not to let her excitement get too far ahead of her common
sense, Sara led him inside the ramshackle cabin, out of sight of any prying
eyes. “Well, let me see it,” she said, hands on her hips.
his lips, Sam made an excruciatingly protracted business of untying the flap on his
saddle bag and withdrawing a folded, stained piece of tanned deerhide. He
spread the crude map out on their wobbly table, and Sara moved closer. “See,
here’s the river, and here’s the canyon, and that old mountain goat trail that
winds through the pass.” His finger traced the route as he named the local
landmarks. “And here’s the gold.” He stabbed the big red X painted near the top
of the map, deep in the mountains.
what’s all this writing off to the side?” She touched the black scrawls with
her fingertip. “And is this a bloodstain?”
know I can’t read. Not Spanish nor English.” Her husband frowned, seeming a bit annoyed at her
cautious appraisal of the map.
think it’s Latin,” she said, trying to remember long ago lessons with her older
brothers, back in Philadelphia. “Could be a prayer. Or a curse. Looks like it
was written in a hurry.”
licked his lips. “Now, Sary, no one believes in curses nowadays.”
flinched as the wind blew the door open with a bang. “Well, what killed those Spaniards? You said
they were buried behind a wall, right?”
came up behind her as she closed the door. Catching her for a kiss, he said, “Will
you for just once in your life stop being all practical and take a risk?”
I did that when I married you and move to
this godforsaken wasteland.