Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Asking Our Readers: Discovery & Release


Congrats to our Monday Whore James, for today his epic fantasy SEVEN FORGES hit the marketplace!

Captain Merros Dulver is the first in many lifetimes to find a path beyond the great mountains known as the Seven Forges and encounter, at last, the half-forgotten race who live there. And it would appear that they were expecting him. As he returns home, bringing an entourage of strangers with him, he starts to wonder whether his discovery has been such a good thing. For the gods of this lost race are the gods of war, and their memories of that far-off cataclysm have not faded.
The people of Fellein have live with legends for many centuries. To their far north, the Blasted Lands, a legacy of an ancient time of cataclysm, are vast, desolate and impassable, but that doesn't stop the occasional expedition into their fringes in search of any trace of the ancients who had once lived there... and oft-rumored riches."
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Now, dear readers, on the topic of new books and release day, my three questions for you are: 
  1. How do you discover a new author? 
  2. How do you like to be notified/reminded of a favorite author's latest release?
  3. If you could give a debut or mid-list author a tip for reaching a reader like you, what would it be? (Go ahead, be crazy and innovative!)
