Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Am Not A Summer Person

The headline says it all for me, this is my least favorite time of the year. I always grit my teeth with the first heat wave and endure until things cool off somewhere in late September. Now Fall - there is the winning season! Well, ok, not just because I was born in the Fall, or because the NFL is playing, but I truly don't thrive in hot weather.

 I don't begrudge anyone else all their hot weather fun activities but did I mention I sunburn in about two seconds, no matter what SPF I use? I'm like one of those vintage mainframe computers, I guess, that has to have mega air conditioning to save my brain cells if the temperature is too hot.

When I was a kid, of course I did love summer because there was no school, it didn't get that hot in Upstate New York and I loved family vacations in Maine, playing in the forest, fishing at the lake, going to Field Days (all the volunteer fire departments in the area where I grew up used to have field days to raise funds)...

The worst event of my entire life occurred in mid July one year, when I was widowed very suddenly.

I got pneumonia one August (who gets pneumonia in August, I ask you?)...

Summer is just not my luckiest time.

By now I'm afraid you're all thinking I'm this crochety character so let me address the actual topic of the week here at Word Whores which was about what times of the year sidetrack my word count the most.  Even in the depths of Summer, I still sit down and write every day. Writing is like breathing to me and the creation of new stories and characters puts me in the flow of the Universe (as we grandiosely say at my house). Even Christmas, which is my favorite holiday time of the year, doesn't dent my writing time too badly.

Now twitter on the other hand, can tempt me into staying far too long and especially in the evenings after the day job, I need to put the twitter down if I'm going to get any decent word count....and I've resisted pinterest because I'm sure I'd fall into it and never be seen again.

So my Top Five "Seasons":
My Birthday
Thanksgiving all the way to Christmas

And oh gee, no room in the Top 5 for Summer! The rest of you enjoy it for me, ok? While I sip my sweet tea and sit in the direct blast of the air conditioning and write!

What's your favorite season?


  1. Oh, I'm there with you plotting how to skip summer. SFP 4,000 FTW!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one! I HATE summer and most of spring. I have been counting down the days till fall since the end of winter. This coming from someone who has lived their whole life in NC and most of that near the beach. AND as if that wasn't bad enough I have a kid that plays soccer all spring and summer outside! Give me overcast cool days with the smell of wood burning fireplaces in the air!

  3. Thanks, ladies, glad I'm not alone as far as the seasons! Currently we're having a 100 degree+ heat wave. Sigh. Is it October yet???
