Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Plotting and Scheming

When do I brainstorm a plot and with whom?

I plot and scheme often.

Often more often than I ought. 

Even after I've typed "The End."

Why, yes, yes I am in need of rehab for the OCD novelist.

Writing Fiction for the Over-Thinker
It would sell out in minutes!
Or, you know, after we've thoroughly considered all other options. 
Which would take awhile.


Perhaps you'd be more interested in the first(ish) time(s) I brainstorm a plot. It's always after the protagonist comes to mind. It's often after Horrible Disfiguring Act is conceived and the antagonist hatched. It's done in tandem with creating the world. It is tested by being able to concisely convey the protagonist's Goals, Motivations, and Conflicts...which I don't bother to consider until after I've slapped together a rough plot.

You'd think I'd know better by now. 

I've pantsed many, many a story. Too many. There are only so many places to hide printouts of stories that will never see Public. (Ten more and I'll be able to replace my boxsprings!) There is nothing worse than handing a "completed" story to a CP and have them say, "uhm, it's interesting, but is there a point to it?" Erm. Yeah. Plot. Good thing to have. Good thing to always keep in mind while throwing words on the page.

How I Work the Plot Puzzle / Proof of KAK's Crazy:

Start with Who. Figure out What makes Who unique. Hatch random scenes of misery and torment. Ruminate on what, oh what, could possibly slap that little pinball named Protagonist against said bumpers of despair and bounce her off flippers of transformation. End with rough concept of initial plot.

Write initial plot on wall. (Yes, literally. Write on the wall.) Stare at wall. Open bottle of wine. Drink. Stare at wall. Hatch more schemes. Draw lines changing order of major events.

Call in the reinforcements. Some are virtual. Some are local. Expose them to the insanity. Add stuff to wall. Realize word-count to accomplish all Big Moments would clear 250k.

Start plotting sequel.

Oh, what about removing moments from the plot? ~laughs manically~ Yeah. That comes in the editing phase. Yes, that might have something to do with why it takes me so long to write a book. Might.

Where does the seed of a plot begin for you, dear readers? Is it with a character? A place? An event? Do share!

Oh, and if you know about any of those support groups for writers who over-think their stories, lemme know. I'll bring the coffee.


  1. I think the plot begins with the event. At least, that's how I go about it. Sorry I don't know about any groups for over-thinkers. I tend to be an under-thinker. Of course, that can get you in trouble, too!

    1. Oh so excellent that it is an event that gets your creativity flowing!

      (and I would never accuse you of being an under-thinker, Stacy!)

  2. "Um, yeah, plot." Hahaha! Fun post, interesting to see how another mind works.

    1. "Plots, they're good for more than burials!"

      Glad you enjoyed the post, Lexi. Love the husky in your avatar!
