Saturday, March 30, 2013

Looking for a Word Whore in All the Right Places

Photo from the archives of three of the current Word Whores, Allison, Jeffe and Marcella, at the RT Booklovers convention. Jane Litte from Dear Author took the pic. Good times.

Just a little reminder today that we're seeking a new Saturday Word Whore! The application can be found here. We've had a lot of really great people apply so we anticipate a tough decision. We'll close the applications after midnight tonight, Eastern Time. Then we'll (hopefully) announce in the next few days. If you don't hear, that means the Word Whores have had to resort to something like Jello wrestling to make the choice.

So excited to find out who it will be!!


  1. I can't wait to find out who'll be joining you awesome folks. =o)

  2. I'm curious who gets picked, too! Good luck, old blog buddies, on the task ahead of yous!
