A Lady Awakened by Cecelia Grant
The careful slow dance of these two characters as they get
to know each other and slowly discover themselves was so wonderful. A book I
cherished and learned a great deal from. Fabulous.
Lothaire by Kresley Cole
A deliciously evil hero and a massively interesting and fun
book. I so loved how creatively
the back and forth went, how the balance of power between the H/H shifted so
interestingly. The richness and
twists within those sex scenes, how they advanced and deepened the plot - it
blew my socks off.
Beyond Eden By Kele Moon
One of the most explosive and emotional erotic romances I've
read in a long time. This book was nothing short of thrilling. My jaw was just
hanging open about two-thirds of the way through for how high Moon twists the
plot. It may be a bit hardcore for some, but I'd feverishly, breathlessly
recommend it!
Dune by Frank Herbert
I finally got to Dune this year. It is so amazing and absorbing, just in terms of the layers,
the thought, the world building. Really quite a panorama of a book with so many
characters to love, and everything pitch-perfect.
Ice Storm by Anne Stuart