Reading in bed
Kitten breath
The screen capture key command
My friends
People who read books
My friends on twitter
Pen names
The fact that my cats can’t repeat things like parrots can,
and therefore don’t run around saying things like, “Who’s this baby? Mama wants
to bite off this baby’s ear!”
Having smart and generous author friends
Cheese samples at the grocery store
Guido Henkel’s ebook formatting guide
pop chips
Sees suckers
Being dropped from Random House
Anne Stuart
Having enough to eat and a warm place to live
This 4-day weekend
Mr. Crane
Historical romance
The Internet. Because I remember the suckage of researching
things at the library
The awesomeness of the RWA magazine
Daniel Craig
My socks warming on the radiator
Images: public domain from wikimedia or author's own