Remember when that question turned into, "In what are you going to major?"
Remember when the first time reality slapped you in the face and told you you couldn't be doctor-spy-starlet because you'd flunked science, didn't know seven languages, and couldn't remember your lunch much less your lines?
Once I'd endured that rather unfortunate dream-crushing meeting with reality, I was bereft, adrift, and well...clueless. What to do with my life? How would I earn a living? Who would give me a penthouse office in Geneva?
What? A girl can dream.
Without any notion of what "realistic" and "practical" job I could acquire, I determined to figure it out by process of elimination. I've made grand strides in discovering what I don't want to be by taking a turn through the following industries:
Retail, Banking, Oil, Recruiting, Oil, Media
Technically, I'm not done playing with Media. I just prefer to be on the "talent" side of the industry.