Summer in the Pacific Northwest is the equivalent of idyllic spring in most other parts of the country. Temps rarely hit 90. In fact, this year, thus far, we've hit 80. Once. In May. It's rained since, but hey! It's been warmish rain... Never fear. The sun will return after the 4th of July. It's just the way the Jet Stream toys with us.
At the summer solstice, the sun doesn't set until 9pm and rises around 4am. That's a lot of hours available for sunworship. Compound that by water activities or heading into the mountains for treks across the glaciers and you can get sunburned *inside* your nostrils from the sunlight reflecting UP. Thing is, most people on the western side of the Cascades (where the weather remains coolest and cloudiest the longest) look forward to their Red Badges of Proof of Summer Fun.
Wildlife encounters are great when you're a sailboat, too. Undersail, you don't make that much noise in the water - no engine to frighten everything away. We get to see the otters teaching their babies learning to swim, the sea lions and harbor seals will come right up to the boat to check us out (this drives the cats insane when we're at anchor - they're just sure they should be able to go after those things swimming so close to their boat!). During one particularly rainy summer's day, we found ourselves in the middle of a pod of porpoise feeding. Two juvenile Orca joined in, taking advantage of the bubble nets the porpoises were creating. Then there's the shoreside wildlife, because why go explore distant shores if you aren't going to go explore??