Honestly, nothing defines B-movie awesomeness for me like the werewolf movies of the early 80's. Before werewolves became sexy alphas a la Twilight, most lycanthrope movies were firmly planted into the horror genre...with occasional forays into parody. (Budgets were low and gore was high and nothing hurt.)
Going to the video store and looking at all the super creepy VHS covers was always one of those things that left me vaguely uncomfortable. (Although, I was in second grade, so I'll cut myself some slack.) My mother would never think of renting the slasher flicks anyway - most of them were rated R at the time. Probably for the best since my imagination was vivid enough I would routinely give myself nightmares based on scary stories alone.
But eventually I did catch some of those movies either on TV or at a friend's house and the three that stick out most are:
I never did see any of the other Howling movies - except for The Howling III, which I somehow managed to convince my mother to take me to. It was truly dreadful, and I will NEVER forget watching that little hairy baby thing the marsupial werewolf (WTF) gives birth to as it crawls into her pouch.
On the other hand, there was a pretty racy sexy scene, and smut is usually indicative of crap movies, right?
Anyway - I recite lines from this movie even today "A naked American man stole my balloons." for no particular reason and there's a nice little shout out to it in my upcoming book, A Trace of Moonlight
Also, if you've never seen a John Landis film - always be on the lookout for his Easter egg "See You Next Wednesday" reference. There's one in every movie he does - in this case it's the name of the movie playing in the porn theater toward the end.
Again, some fun one-liner's floating about. This movie was actually based off the Stephen King novella - I read an illustrated version of it in high school. There's definitely a bit more depth involved with the book, as there usually is, but the pictures were fairly chilling as well.
(Yes, the wolf emerges from inside the man - it's a pretty cool allegory, really.)
Anyway, that's all I've got - plenty of other good B-grade horror flicks out there worth mentioning (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, anyone?) but for me it's all about the wolves.