Oh, thank the gods I'm pimping today, because my choice in funny websites is highly, uhm, alienating. There's Unfollowing Jesus and The Daily Squib for starters. What, you ask, could possibly be more important than my utterly questionable sense of humor?
Today is RELEASE DAY for Friday Word-Whore Marcella Burnard!
Enemy Mine
It was a priority-two alert for beautiful Commander Cashel Khaleize: a contract put out on the life of Xiao Zhong. Professionally, Xiao was the Captain she reported to. Personally, he was man she desired. But as female Guild Assassin Mekise Tollenga closes in, Xiao wonders if even Cashel can be trusted with his safety. And with a tenuous bond between them, Cashel wonders how far she’s willing to go to earn that trust.
No, this is not the 1985 Dennis Quaid / Lou Gossett, Jr. movie spawned from a Star Trek episode.
Marcella's Enemy Mine is an e-novella -- a hot kinky Sci-Fi tale -- that gives some lusted-after characters from her full-length Enemy Sci-Fi Romance novels the chance to show their fight for love and freedom. It's not all leather, aliens, spaceships and big guns ... well, far be it for me to deny your appreciation for the double entendre. ~brow waggle~
I know you've read Enemy Games and Enemy Within. You have. You, good readers, would never pass on award-winning novels. Marcella was nominated for the Romance Writers' of America Oscars-equivalent for this series and won the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice award for Enemy Within. It only makes sense for you to jump on this chance to read Cashel and Xiao's story.
Right Now.
Yes, that's what I thought. Right now you are downloading Enemy Mine to your Kindle, Nook, iPad or other e-reader. Good. We do love our loyal clientele.