Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where, where, where in the world....

Hi Whore readers! Oh, wow, my first Word Whores post, and the subject of the week is where in the world we’d like to live. I think that is very serendipitous.

If I could live anywhere...a recent realization
A couple years ago my husband got this bee in his bonnet to move out of Minneapolis. We’d both lived here all of our lives, aside from myself doing a stint in Wisconsin and childhood elsewhere in the Midwest. 

So, we actually had the consideration of where to live, and we are both self-employed, so a move was not easy, but doable. Anyway, we decided we wanted to be by the ocean! And in a bigger city! I was into the idea, and the time seemed right, since some of our friends had recently moved away from Minneapolis. Anyway, we narrowed it down to New York, Seattle, Oakland or LA. And then the economy started going south, and we put the move on hold, and recently, even bought a condo in Minneapolis. So, really, it’s more than on hold.

But recently I realized something: it sort of doesn’t matter where I live because I NEVER GO OUT OF MY HOME!! lol. Except to go running and grocery shopping, or have a client meeting. The occasional social thing. So, who cares where I live? This lifestyle, hell, I might as well live in a hut in the badlands. 

So, I would still love to live in any of our select four cities, and maybe some day will, but in a way, a wonderful and glorious location is completely wasted on the likes of me. 

Tiny homes
I love tiny homes. Here is a picture of my dream tiny home:

Isn't it lovely? I would totally live with my husband and our two cats in this space. (pics from

The great thing about tiny home is that you never lose things. Or, if you do lose something, say, your favorite pen, you don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for it, since there aren’t really many places it could be.

Also, you don’t have to run all over kingdom come to get stuff. Have you ever been in a large home and, you settle into watch a movie with a nice big pizza, and you realize you need napkins? And then you go run upstairs or downstairs or across however many rooms to get your napkins and you go back, and suddenly, gak! You don’t have peppers. Oh, and then it’s a beverage. Not a problem in my tiny dream home.

Though, one of the definite challenges of a tiny home is keeping it clean. This is a very clean-looking home. That would be a skill I would eagerly develop in the tiny dream home. Maybe. 

Also, do you see how easily my home could be hauled around? You could haul it around the country and I wouldn’t know the difference, because I’d just be at my desk. Just, please, set us down near a grocery store so that we don’t starve. Thanks!

Casa Word Whores
A group blog is kind of like a home. Mushy alert! But, I have to say, I was so flattered that the Word Whores invited me to blog with them! What a fun and eclectic group of writers, with their awesome books and quirky weekly subjects. This is a kind of home, one which I’m very happy with. Hi everybody! I'm so pleased to be here.