Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's about Blood & Bullets ... and maybe a train

by KAK  

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Today, Monday Word-Whore James R. Tuck loses his novel virginity. (Yes, take that in as many ways as you'd like.) Today, his Urban Fantasy novel BLOOD AND BULLETS hits shelves -- tangible and virtual. Check out yesterday's post for a glimpse into the life of Deacon Chalk: Occult Bounty Hunter. I warn you, these vampires are not the creatures of wet dreams.

James R. Tuck
Should you spot his book in the wild real world, Take a Picture & Tag It! Seriously, my lovely readers, we'd love for you to upload and share your pictures of any Word-Whore's books over on Facebook and tag them so we know they've been spotted.

Don't worry, any similarities between Deacon Chalk and the author are purely ... the result of a vampire using mind control. ~evil laugh~

Speaking of control and vampires... ~fishes TV remote control from under left butt cheek~ This week's topic is TV Shows That I've Loved or Hated.

Growing up, "The Wild Wild West" with Robert Conrad and Ross Martin owned me. I wanted to live on a train just like they did. I had a thing for Arte. This show was the first to introduce me to the value of the quip (quip, people, not quirt ... though I think one of the villainesses wielded one of those). I remember Arte knowing Jim was in deep trouble, because the bad guy was in disguise -- yet Arte knew it was the bad guy by shape of his ears. EARS! EARS! Man, I miss that show.

No. We will not discuss the tragedy that was the 1999 movie.  We will not discuss any show that has anything remotely related to "Reality TV" for that matter either. ~shudder~