Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wicked Celebrations at the Zoo


The end of the year brings the lull between Christmasallmighty Chaos and New Yahoo’s Debauchery. These five days of the work week are the most quiet of the year … unless you work in a “save the Stupids from themselves” business. (I’m looking at you customer service reps, law enforcement, and health care professionals.)

On the home front, we’re scraping charred gravy off the burners, washing red wine out of the curtains, sorting recyclable wrapping paper from plastic wrap, and watching “Best of 2011” shows. Some of us are headed back home from the holidays, some of us are extending our leisure.

This week, we sneak in the final gluttonies before committing to dreaded New Year = New Me resolutions.

However you say goodbye to the time that was, be certain you greet the time to come with today’s fabulous releases by two of your beloved Word Whores:

James R. Tuck’s new eNovella “THAT THING AT THE ZOO"
Shredding monsters is his stock and trade. He sniffs them out, tracks them down, and corners them. End of story. But when the tables are turned, expect the unexpected.

Knowing his enemy is a rule Deacon Chalk swears by. But he's never seen anything like whatever is leaving the Atlanta Zoo's most dangerous predators bloodless, skinned, and hanging high in treetops. And he’s only got till sunrise to keep it from turning the entire city into a slaughterhouse. Now Deacon is in zoo lockdown with a handful of staffers to save. His zookeeper backup has more guts than monster-hunting experience. And the only chance Deacon has to run this thing to unholy ground is to risk unleashing his darkest, most uncontrollable instincts.

Click here to read yesterday’s post for an excerpt.

Linda Robertson’s WICKED CIRCLE, Book 5 in the Persephone Alcmedi series:
Is a little time alone with the man you love too much to ask?Well, it may be—when you’re Persephone Alcmedi, Lustrata of the witches, and your lover is Domn Lup of the wærewolves. For once, however, the disturbance is not Seph’s foster daughter, Beverly, her wacky grandmother, or her newly rediscovered mother. This time, it’s the ancient and incredibly sexy vampire Menessos, bearing bad news: because the vampire council fears he is plotting a power grab, Menessos is being hunted by a trio of truth-seeking vampire sisters so dangerous they are usually kept locked in stone.His dreams imperiled, Menessos needs Seph more than ever . . . and she needs him. Now, Seph has magical promises to fulfill for the wæres, multiple mundane family challenges to meet, vampire politics to confront . . . and into the bargain she’s balancing two sexy supernatural males. It’s enough to drive any woman insane, especially when you throw in a dragon and—even worse—a government investigator. As danger threatens, Seph isn’t sure she can stay alive for the rest of the day . . . let alone long enough to accomplish all that needs to be done.

Buy at BN.com            Buy at Amazon.com

Go forth. Purchase. Imbibe. Do all those naughty things whilst you can before the New Year Infant demands constant attentions.

I have spice balls and Yuletide brandy to savor whilst I read.