Big shout-out to sister Word-Whore Marcella Burnard for her nomination from the RT Book Reviews team in Futuristic Romance for her really wonderful novel ENEMY GAMES. If you haven't read it, you really should. It's really excellent hard-core sci-fi, chock full of battles with fascinating alien life forms.
And now, for this week's regularly scheduled topic:
I cheerfully admit to being a fire girl.
No - not the pyro kind, or even the fire-bug kind. I'm not the one always adding more logs to the campfire and stirring up the sparks with a big stick. Talk to my sister-in-law about that.
I'm the sun girl. Fire sign, fire ascendant, born at dawn, which gives me all sorts of fiery guardians. There's a joke among my family and friends that sunshine follows me around. David, especially, laughs about it, because we'll go on vacation and inevitably people will say, "wow, you guys got lucky with the weather - it was pouring rain until yesterday."
Fire has its drawbacks. I tend to run hot and impatient. I don't always like to wait for things to follow their due course. Days of rain have their place. Cloudy days are part of life. I try to remember not to burn it all away.
But fire - ah, fire is also life. It's what warms us in the cold vastness of space. Prometheus wrested it from the gods and that spark elevated us from animals hiding in caves to a proud and bold civilization that pushes back the boundaries of that vast, cold universe.
Today is a snowy day in the high desert of New Mexico. A fire burns cheerfully in our adobe fireplace, bringing light and warmth and that smug, cozy feeling of being tucked inside, safe from the ravages of nature.