Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DayDream Believer

by KAK  

Yeah. I can't begin to discuss daydreams without the Monkey's, "Daydream Believer." ~pulls out the bellbottoms and feathers the hair~  Go on, get your snap on.

I am a devotee of daydreaming. I still do it with my mouth wide open, thus earning the "Most Flies Caught" award. If it's an engrossing daydream, there may be drool involved.  Once upon a time when I was a bleached-blonde there were many a comment about hearing the wind blowing between my ears.

One of the awesome things about being a writer? I totally justify staring into space as "plotting" or "letting the scene develop mentally before transcribing it." Sounds plausible doesn't it?

Thing is, as a culture, we don't really allow ourselves to simply think. We have to do. Actions are means by which we are judged. Yet, if we don't think before we do, then ... ~insert social, political, or economic punchline here~

Three cheers for daydreaming, I say. Exercise your brain. Get your imagination fired up, even if you're not a writer, painter, or an artiste. I daydream most when I am on the treadmill ('cause really, what else are you going to do? focus on jiggle of your thighs, the wheeze coming from your lungs?) or in the kitchen. The latter can get a little dicey (~rimshot~ thankyouillbehereallnight). Sometimes, oh but sometimes, I'll just sit and stare out the window. Thinking.


How about you? When do you give yourself time to just think?