Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Captain’s Log, Stardate 8.31.11

Family vacations…the final frontier. These paragraphs chronicle the voyages of this author’s Enterprise. Her on-going mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new fun and survive naptime tantrums, to boldly go where many mom’s have gone before…but to do so with an intrepid rock-n-roll style.
I’ve been to Canada. I’ve cruised to Mexico. I’ve driven all over the state of Ohio, and from here to various points in Kentucky and West Virginia, to Pittsburgh PA; Chicago, IL; Indianapolis, IN; Ocean City, NJ; to Norfolk,VA; to Detroit, MI; to Madison WI; to Myrtle Beach, SC: to Ocala, FL, and to San Diego, CA with stops in Oklahoma, Texas, and Vegas. I’ve flown to Montreal, Corpus Christi, Orlando, Providence, New Orleans, and Atlanta. I’ve lived in Ohio: Mansfield, Medina, Butler; I lived in California: San Diego, Vallejo, Alameda; in Waukegan IL. There’s surely more that I’m missing, but hey, blogs are supposed to be short.
Much of my traveling has been for conventions…but not all of it.

For instance, we took the Arteest on a Florida Fiesta one year. We hit all the usual spots. Disney’s Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios.

He was so small then, you could almost overlook him at the end of the Jurassic Park vehicle there.
Yes, as a three-and-a-half-year-old he had the complete big-game hunter outfit, including the JP logo shorts, red tee shirt, and the JP logo vest to match. He even had the safari fedora.
Spolied? Perhaps. Loved? DEFINITELY!

We also took him to a kid-frenzy place like RACE ROCK:
Of course the frenzy ended with scenes like this:

We also go camping.       Feed ducks.         And visit places like Frontier town.

Then there’s the conventions…like:
Dragon Con
more Dragon Con
even more Dragon Con
that’s (left) Denise Verrico, author of the Immortyl Revolution series
(center) S.A.Swann, author of  a lot of books incl. Wolfbreed and Wolfs Cross
and (right) James O. Barnes from Loconeal Publishing

So…I leave Friday for Atlanta, and Dragon Con 2011.
More pictures to come. Until then, it kinds feels like I’ve been everywhere, man.